Transport & Logistics
TC&T proposes and offers the right solutions for different logistic questions of clients all over the world. TC&T is considered as an authority in its field thanks to its many years of experience and its vast network of maritime agents, forwarders and transport companies. Thanks to this, TC&T can impose itself as an expert all over the world.
TC&T examines together with the client the different transport possibilities, so that distant markets become much more accessible, and this thanks to tailormade logistic solutions. In this way, TC&T opens its network for other companies so that they can build on their long-term strategy.
TC&T helps and advices its partner companies in order to find the best solutions for financing:
- Own financing
- Extern financing
- « Build & Operate » (BO)
- « Build & Transfer » (BT)
- « Build, Operate & Transfer » (BOT)